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Monday, November 21, 2011

Own Today!

It's a new day for you to make things go your way. Today you will take charge of your circumstances and guide yourself into every victory you want to achieve. Today is a chance for you to correct the mistakes of yesterday and most importantly learn from them. Today you are a smarter, wiser, stronger, better person and you are prepared to take on all challenges. Today nothing can stop you because you own this day. Become the master of your life and bring this day to its knees with your victories. Today you will not be shaken by negativity, evil, or circumstances. Today you are master of your environment. Today you will do everything possible to fulfill your dreams. Today you will love a little more, laugh a lot more. Today is the day you will never forget because today is yours to do as you see fit. Today is a gift that was given to you. You will not let this day own you, today you will own it.

-Kirk Abrigo-

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Letting go of the past and moving on to your success

Moving on. This short phrase carries a weight that for some of us is too much to bare. Moving on is one of the hardest things for us to do with our lives once a chapter of it has reached an end. I have struggled with it at a point and time in my life and I'm sure many of you have also. The fear of not knowing what is out there waiting for us can allow us to stay in a situation or position in life that has no place for us anymore. We live with the ridiculous notion bouncing around in our heads that, "The Devil you know is better than the Devil you don't know." Many of us use this saying to rationalize our fear of moving forward. I, myself have used this phrase. Now I know better.

Complacency is the ultimate killer of growth. If we never take a step forward, out of our comfort zones, we will never experience the better life that is waiting for us. Who am I talking to? I'm talking to those of you who are in a dead end job and hate going to work every day. I'm talking to those of you whose relationships are over, yet you still can't accept that things are not supposed to be this way. I'm talking to those of you who want better for yourselves, but the fear of failure is stopping you from moving out of your parent's basement. I'm talking to any one of you who is in a situation where you can see your future squarely in front of you but you are too afraid to move towards it because you are afraid of change. Here is a concept: Change is GOOD!

For positive change to happen in our lives we have to want it. We have to step out on faith and replace that "Devil" phrase bouncing around in our heads with the one from the Billy Holiday song that says, "God bless the child that's got his own." This short phrase simply means that we have to start moving into our greatness to receive the blessings of strength and opportunity that God wants to bestow upon us.
God will never leave us out in the cold, alone. The ideas, dreams and ambitions that we have have been planted in our hearts and minds by God. This means that He also has made the way for us to make our dreams a reality. But, in order for us to find this path we have to step out on faith and KNOW that the path of success is already paved for us by the highest power. It may mean that we have to let go of what we know best. But, as our thinking changes so will our lives. Know that failure is not an option and that the life we want is waiting for us. All we have to do is decide to take it. Change is necessary for progress to occur.

We should not mourn our past as we make the decision to let go of it and move forward. We should be grateful for it and celebrate it because it has given us everything we need to step into our better future. So have faith in God, be strong, talk to Him when you need to, cry if you need to, but continue to move forward. This is called leaping and growing your wings on the way down. Challenges will come, but rest assured that God will give you the strength to rise above them.