We know the life we want? We know that if we are not happy in our current situation then we need to change it. So what do we do? How do we effect change in our lives. Its very simple. For our lives to change, or situations to change the change must first come from us. I know you must be saying this is motivational jargon I already know. Then if you know it, why aren't you doing it. Why aren't you stepping up to the plate and make the changes you need to make the life for yourself that you want to? The answer? There is no reason. Now is the time, NOW is ALWAYS the time to effect change. and to start you must ask yourself these questions:
1, Am i doing the things i need to do towards achieving the life i want?
2. Am i THINKING the way i need to think to achieve the life i want?
3 Am i Acting the way I need to act to achieve the life i want?
4 Am i praying the way i need to pray to achieving the life i want?
5 Do i have the right attitude it takes to achieve the life i want?
6 Am i MOVING the way i should and at the pace i should to achieve the life i want?
These are very important questions to answer. When the answer to all of them is yes?
Then you are on your way. If the answer to any of them are no, then you have some changes
to make. You have to change your thinking so that you get RIGHT MINDED towards achieving
your desired goal. Don't be someone sitting around a few years from now thinking about the
oppertunities you let pass by, or that you should've moved when you had the chance. Make
your MOVE now! Its like my Mom says all the time, GET RIGHT, OR GET LEFT. Don't get left!